Skiing background : Your child has between 1 and 3 weeks of skiing already. They know how to snowplough turn and stop on green and blue slopes. They can also get up on their own after a fall, and move around using the side stepping technique or the duck climb. They were also introduced to the parallel position on flat terrain.
Goals of the week : Learning the first steps of parallel turns such as parallel crossings and side slipping on easy green and blue slopes. Challenge their balance on a bumpy course. Discover the Safe skiers rules and respect them.
Week's program : On the first day, they get to know their instructors and the other children of the 1st Ski level. All the groups will start together, warmup and harmonize on a green slope. The groups will be defined by the levels and age of the children. As the week goes on, they will practice with different exercises to achieve their weekly goal and gain confidence skiing on blue slopes. Ski poles will be introduced to them during the week.
Hours : Sunday to Friday from 14:30 to 16:30 and then from the 5th February 14:30 to 17:00.
More : The 1st ski group lessons are limited to a maximum of 8 children. Everybody progresses at their own pace and children have the opportunity to change groups during the week. They can also enjoy some breaks and warm themselves up with a hot cocoa. The traditional medal awarding ceremony takes place on Fridays, in front of the ski school.
Remarks : Don't forget the ski-pass for the chairlifts, a little snack in the pocket for the break and sunscreen for the sunny days!