Your Experience : You can control your speed and link turns using both toe and heel edge on green slopes.
Goals of the week : Linking your turns on blue slopes. Introduction to the snowpark, 180° slides and riding switch. Discovering more of the specific vocabulary of snowboarding.
Week's program : Meet your instructor and the rest of the group. After a quick check of your gear, you will start warming up doing your turns. The goal is to improve your turns to be able to ride blue slopes. You will learn some more freestyle, flat tricks, 180 slides, switch and the ollie/nollie. Your instructor can also introduce you to the snowpark. You will also work on the snowboard vocabulary.
Hours : Sunday (first day) from 10:00 to 12:00, Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00.
More : The Silver Snowboard group lessons are limited to a maximum of 7 adults (from 13 years old). Everybody progresses at their own pace and have the opportunity to change groups during the week.
Remarks : Don't forget your ski-pass for the chairlifts, a little snack in the pocket for the break and sunscreen for the sunny days!