Your Experience : Beginner, it is your first time snowboarding or you have just a couple of hours experience (or on dry slopes)).
Goals of the week : Controlling speed, improving frontside and backside positions on blue slopes. Improving balance and turns.
Week's program : Going downhill from side to side on fronstside and backside positions. Improving turns on easy blue slopes. Introduction to the "flat", learning little tricks on the flat part of the slopes.
Hours :Sunday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00.
More : The Bronze Snowboard group lessons are limited to a maximum of 6 adults (from 13 years old). Everybody progresses at their own pace and have the opportunity to change groups during the week.
Remarks : Don't forget your ski-pass for the chairlifts, a little snack in the pocket for the break and sunscreen for the sunny days!