Your experience :You have never skied before or have skied just once, or a couple of hours on indoor or dry slopes).
Goals of the week : Balancing and moving around on skis in the beginner area. Snowplough turns and stops on easy green slopes.
Week's program : The instructor will show you different exercises to practice on easy turns and stops in the beginner area, at first you are using mostly the magic carpet. You will gain confidence and skills to get safely to the next level.
Hours : Sunday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00.
More : The Beginner group lessons are limited to a maximum of 6 adults. Everybody progresses at their own pace and you have the opportunity to change groups during the week. You can also enjoy some breaks and warm yourself up with a hot cocoa.
Remarks : Don't forget your ski pass & your sunscreen for the sunny days!