Experience : Beginner, this your child's first time snowboarding or they have just a couple of hours experience (or on dry slopes).
Goals of the week : Controlling speed with heel side or toe side skid and linking your turns on a green slope.
Week's program : Meet their instructor and the rest of the group. Their instructor will then explain how the gear works. Your child will do their first slides in a straight line in the beginners area. After getting familiar with the balance they will learn how to change directions. Falling is normal! So they’ll learn different tips on how to get up. During their progression they will discover which foot they have in front on the board (goofy or regular). Then learning how to control speed on the heel edge and how to cross the slope on the back and front side edge. Once they start getting comfortable with that they learn how to control speed on their toe edge. Practicing the transition between the toe and heel side positions to be able to link turns.
Hours : Sunday (first day) from 10:00 to 12:00, Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00.
More : The Bronze Snowboard group lessons are limited to a maximum of 8 children (between 5 & 13 years old). Everybody progresses at their own pace and has the opportunity to change groups during the week.
Remarks : Don't forget their ski-pass for the chairlifts, a little snack in the pocket for the break and sunscreen for the sunny days!