Sitting on the chairlift yours kids have noticed the snowpark, they saw riders launching themselves into the air doing somersaults and spins. Of course now they want to do the same, the thought of them flying of a jump and sliding along metal rails is sending shivers down your spine. Freestyle skiing, as with any sport, demandes concentration and training. On the snowpark all level of skiers are present first timers though to experts
Just as with alpine ski slopes different runs and zones are colour coded depending on difficulty
- bigginer zones : green and blue
- intermediate zones : blue and red
- confirmed zones : black
Before launching into the air, best to be well protected.
- A helmet make sure to pick the right size and keep it attached properly
- Back protection either a zipped suit or with braces.
- Protective shorts.
For their first time on the snowpark the best option remains to be accompanied by a professional instructor who will explain all the do’s and don’ts and safely teach them to do their first spins. Regardless of whether they are accompanied or not fellow freestylers will be around on the park to give tips and advice.
For the protections you can choose your helmets